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The BriteVibe Podcast: Live Brite, Live Bold, and share Brite Vibes

Mar 30, 2015

Simon Sinek said he had an “a-ha” leadership moment while interviewing retired USMC General George Flynn for Simon’s latest book “Leaders Eat Last“. [saf feature=”itunes” cta=”Subscribe & Listen in iTunes”] In the interview Sinek asked Flynn if he could summarize what made the Marine Corps...

Mar 24, 2015

William Ury, co-founder of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation, is one of the world’s leading experts on negotiation and mediation. He is currently a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Harvard Negotiation Project. [saf feature=”itunes” cta=”Subscribe & Listen in iTunes”] He is the author of Getting to Yes...

Mar 11, 2015

For twelve years Kimanzi Constable lived a life that could be best described as “existing.” He wanted more from his life but listened to his doubts, fears and the negative voices of other people. [saf feature=”itunes” cta=”Subscribe & Listen in iTunes”] Kimanzi started a service business at nineteen that...