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The BriteVibe Podcast: Live Brite, Live Bold, and share Brite Vibes

Sep 28, 2023

Travis Robbins is about to embark on a monumental feat that no other human being, dead or alive, has ever done. He is planning to walk the longest road in the world, spanning over 14,000 miles from South Africa to Russia. Travis has a background that doesn't necessarily connect with this endeavor, as he currently helps...

Sep 21, 2023

Dana Corey is a business strategist and coach. She works with established entrepreneurs whose businesses serve local-to-them clients, helping them grow from being 'self-employed' to owning their role as CEO. Her clients stop micro-managing and become the creative visionary growth leader their business needs. Dana...

Sep 19, 2023

Known for constantly pushing boundaries, Sibtain Raza has found a happy medium through his comedy to express his upbringing by his traditional politically incorrect Pakistani parents in today's politically charged climate. Sib's unique comedy brings lots of unexpected twists and turns as he learns how difficult it is to...

Sep 14, 2023

Nate Webb is a bully expert, partnering with the Save the Kids Foundation. Nate is a resiliency trainer, a professional school counselor, and a certified digital safety educator. Nate endured relentless bullying as a kid. Bullies and social media almost ruined his life. Drawing from his experiences and from his studies...

Sep 12, 2023

Michelle Vandepas is an entrepreneur and co-founder of GracePoint Publishing, a dynamic multimedia company that covers all aspects of publishing, from traditional to digital media and audio production. Michelle is a firm believer in the power of passion, purpose, and making a positive impact on the world. For her,...